

Categorize your achievements将成绩细分 
  When doing up a chronological CV, you should outline sections of your experience, education and skills to show what you’ve accomplished. HR personnel and employers take less than a minute to scan your CV, so it’s imperative to highlight and organize items into several concise and relevant segments。按时间顺序写简历时,你应该按经历、教育情况和技能分类来展现你在各方面获得的成就。HR和雇主只花不到1分钟的时间看你的简历,所以将个人情况分成几个清晰明了的小板块描述是非常必要的。
  If you’re a recent graduate and therefore have not yet been employed, put your Education section first. In addition to the basics – university name, degree and graduation date – you can include relevant coursework, honors or awards。如果你即将毕业还未被雇佣,应将“教育背景”放在最前面,除了在这块中写上大学名称、学历和毕业时间外,还可以加上相关课程和所获荣誉。
  Other categories might include Relevant Work Experience, Volunteer Experience, Computer Skills, Activities, Language Skills and so on。其他分类还应该包括相关工作经历、志愿者经历、参加活动、语言技能等等。
  Appearance can make or break your CV简历外观决定简历好坏
  Fonts: Whether you email, fax or post your CV, keep your font plain and easy to read. And a reasonable size – anywhere between 9 and 12 points should be acceptable. Use a font like Arial or Verdana, not Times New Roman。字体:不管是发邮件、传真或是简历,所用字体一定要简洁并方便阅读。字号选择要合理——9号到12号大小都比较适合阅读;字体可以是Arial或Verdana,不要用Times New Roman。
  Formatting: Too many different fonts, colors and graphic styles will hold the reader up. Simple bullets are best for separating your duties and skills; use bold and italics sparingly. Formatting should highlight your accomplishments, not draw attention away from them。版式:太多的字体、颜色和图案会让看简历的人没兴趣再读下去。简单的小分句可以把技能和工作清晰表述出来,并适当使用粗体和斜体。版式是用来突出个人成就,而不是降低看客兴趣的。
  Content is King内容是王道
    Action-words: Instead of starting your sentence with a noun, kick off with an active verb. 动词:使用动词而不是名词开头来描述你的经历。
  Numbers: It’s a good idea to include numbers, percentages and amounts in your job descriptions to back up your achievements. For example, Increased turnover by 20% in first year. Supervised a team of 10 people。数字:在职位描述中用数字、百分比或数量支撑你获得的成就是非常占优势的。比如:提高了20%的周转率,管理了10人团队。
  Length: No one wants to scan through two or more pages of long-winded accomplishments and experience. If it doesn’t all fit, cut it down to the most relevant and impressive items。长度:没有人愿意看超过两页的写满成就和经历的简历,如果所获成就并不是和职位有很强的关联度,可以把简历长度缩短,以内容最相关,招聘官看后印象深刻为准。
发布时间:2019-04-05 来源:网上兼职岗 关注:
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