

  Your friend is going to do a part time job. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of doing a part time job.
  2016年11月26日托福口语真题1.Do you agree or disagree that one of your friends is planning to work part-time while studying on campus?
  Well, there are numerous benefits to hold a part time job. Students can get valuable working experience and real world exposure, thus they can write this on their resume, and employers value this experience, consequently, it gives students a better shot to find a job in the future. However, there are some drags, it will cost students too much time and they will be too stressed out. You know, students have already been overwhelmed with a lot of assignment, like presentations, group project and sometimes they have to stay up late to cram for exams, and getting a part time job only makes them stressed out.
  Sample answer
  I personally would agree with his or her action. There are several reasons.
  To start with, working part-time will not only get you bills but also precious experience if you choose a right job to do. For example, I have a part-time job in my college working in a wood factory and I happened to major in business. During the work, I actually make sense of the currency flow by the theories I learnt back on campus while at the same time I could earn the money that is fairly enough for my food cost and supplement for working out.
  So as a result, I would definitely support with him or her to work part-time.
  Task 1参考答案:
  Well I think doing part-time jobs has the following advantages: first, it helps us to enlarge social circle, accumulate social experience and strike a balance between study and work, thus enhance our time management and multi-tasking skills;
  second, it helps us to become financially independent and be able to share financial burden of our parents. As for its disadvantages, I think safety concerns, and time or energy investment should be taken into consideration.
  T2: If the following two things overlap with each other, which would you prefer: dinner together with your family or attend your friends’ party on the weekend?TASK 2
发布时间:2019-02-19 来源:网上兼职岗 关注:
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